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Living Temples of Bharat

What is lost can also be found

A space dedicated for dilapidated and less known wonders of ancient Bharat

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The Divine Abodes

India is a land of temples and the centuries old Indic civilization is preserved in these ancient holy wonders. Apart from being abodes of Gods, the temples also serve as centers of culture, traditions, and social wellbeing. These majestic structures are proof of our ancestors’ craftmanship, dedication and high degree of scientific proficiency.

In Sanathana Dharma, a temple is a symbolic representation of human body which houses the divine Athman. In Bhagawat Gita, Lord Krishna says ‘इदं शरीरं कौन्तेय क्षेत्रमित्यभिधीयते |’ which means ‘O’ Son of Kunti! This body is a field’. Here Kshetra also represents temple. Hence the temples hold greater significance in Sanathana Dharma and are considered to be the reflection of our own true self.

With roughly 15 lakh temples, big and small spread across the entire subcontinent, the human population prospered around these holy abodes. The Tamizh saying ‘கோவில் இல்லாத ஊரில் குடியிருக்க வேண்டாம்’ highlights the importance of temples in our lives. Unfortunately, many such ancient wonders are in the verge of extinction due to continued negligence, destruction by invading armies and other factors. This blog is an attempt to bring to light such architectural masterpieces fading into oblivion. If we do not intervene now, they will be lost forever. Let us join hands to save our identity.

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