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Sri Vaakpureeswarar temple, Vellai

This land of Bharatha is a treasure trove of divinity & holy abodes. Let us see about one such hidden gem. Annamalaiyar Arappani Kuzhu got to know about a dilapidated Shiva temple in Vellai, near Cheyyar in Thiruvannamalai dt, Tamilnadu.

This temple was completely unknown to locals. It was covered with dense vegetation with no houses around except few brick kilns nearby. With Mahaperiava’s guidance & divine utterance, it was understood that Lord’s name was Vaakpureeshwarar and supreme mother called BrahanNayaki. The team did Uzhavarapani (temple cleaning) on 22.01.2017. This was one of the most difficult Uzhavarapani carried out by the team. It was also understood that this temple houses the jeevasamadhi of Kagapujandar. (one of the Siddha mahapurusha). There were no vigrahams left in the temple.

The temple is found to be in Nagara style of architecture and probably more than 400-500 years old. For centuries, no puja has been done. Also found that it is one of the 27 upa temples of Cheyyar Vedapureeshwarar temple. This was the missing one while 26 upa temples are known.

An article in Shakti Vikatan about this Uzhavarapani is available in

Let thousands of such temples arise again in this divine land to spread the fragrance of Sanatana Dharma.

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